Monday, November 22, 2010

Developments since workshop

Since Bioneers, I have had the opportunity to meet with MLUI, the Northwest Michigan Council of governments (NWMCOG), and Goldeneye Asset Management.

MLUI was not especially interested in a publication of either a coupon book or guide "how to" book of sustainable living/businesses.  Hans Voss was interested in the investment side of the topic - how to invest in local enterprises.  Hans has in the past and was again going to meet with the Chamber of Commerce, and mention Bay Bucks use, and/or involving the Chamber with further local economy discussions, but I have not heard of the outcome.

NWMCOG, Patty O'Donnell, had a meeting with representatives from NMC, Home Builders Green Build Committee, Several energy auditors, Chelsea Bay Mills from The CHANGE, Bay Bucks, Cherry Capital Foods and myself Nov 16th to discuss avoiding overlap of efforts of Green and Sustainable organizations.  Competing for attention and funds is a concern for many people.  The meeting introduced parties to one another, aired concerns, but no plan of action was formulated. 

There was a circular discussion of the assorted community calendars in use to various degrees.  North Sky Non-Profit network, the Watershed Center, Chamber of Commerce, The Express, and The Ticker from NW Business News were all mentioned - I am sure I am leaving out one or two more. The problem appears, according to Patty, is that not everyone uses the same one.  Or uses them consistently.  So similar events or events with the same targeted audience are still scheduled on the same day sometimes.

When no next step of action was laid out to deal with the issue of duplicity of effort, and the meeting felt lagging (to me)  I may have taken us off topic in getting into local investing, but my motives were good.  If shortage of funding is an issue for many non-profits, perhaps this type of thing (Green and Sustainable Enterprise promotion) is best done by the private investment, once the amount of attention is on it as we now have, thanks to a large part by Patty's efforts and efforts of the Sustainable Business Forum, MLUI's Taste a Local Difference program, and many, many others.
When asked if his organization could have achieved their same success as a non-profit organization, Lee Michaels from Cherry Capital Foods said no, they are successful because of direct accountability from the food providers to the end user.  Cherry Capital foods has provided an essential infrastructure to connect grower with users of their foods. 

There is simply no denying the incredible wealth of our society.  There is a shortage of lots of things, but rest assured money is all around us.  What is all that money doing is the question we should be asking ourselves.  Where are our retiremnet accounts invested? Our pension funds, if we have one.  Are they in NW Michigan? Maybe Michigan state? How about at least in our Bioregion of the upper Midwest?  Or rather, are they far away and diced up so fine we don't actually know where our money is yet alone what it is doing.  That is an opportunity to build upon.  Bring our money home where it can work for us, where we can see it in action, THAT'S what will help Green and Sustainable. 

Goldeneye Investing, Zach Liggett and I also met a few weeks ago, he is pursuing the legal structure side of an investment group - what form should it take? LLC? Co-op?  Zack is too busy right now to deal with it, but looks to January or February to pursue the question.

I would like to propose a meeting of parties interested in local investing, to define our interests and get to know each other.  I am going to suggest Friday Jan 14th for a potluck and meeting of about 2 hours in length.  I do not have a venue, nor a preference as to potluck first or not.  I would like to hear from you - what do you want to do?  I live in Eastbay township off 5 mile road, and could host, but a more centralized location would be helpful.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Transfer of workshop Bioneer conference workhop notes to this media.

I copied the workshop attendees notes over so they can be refered to if you like.

Attendees (32)  introductions and concerns regarding local economy and business/jobs:
Overall, energy was mentioned more than any other single subject. Co-ordination of energy supply between different localities, that renewables are misunderstood/resisted, permitting, technical advice, best practices, finding money for development, and how it relates back to local economy and sustainable jobs. “$20 million spent out of area to buy power”.  Why not spend some of that here? www.TC     Reconditioned Danish windmills in T.C., Phil Von Voightlander, Northport.      Benzie farmers have 2000 acres, suggesting 27 windmills? Kay Bond, BACON.
“Community is where it’s at.”  Personal connections in lending, knowing who is using your money and for what good.  People who mentioned interest in investing locally- 5 or 6.  Zach Liggett, Goldeneye Investing, socially responsible investors –customize portfolios. Peer to peer lending.  Connect the trio of customer/business/non-profit with special offers and promotions.  Local equity investing on small scale.
MLUI - economic development thru an environmental lens considering zoning regs. , natural resources, our region’s strength is in local food economy.
Oryana – owned by membership.  40% of owner equity can be re-invested in a new business.  Works with 90 vendors now.  Organic local foods.  Education is important.  A pillar of community support for over 37 years.
Bay Bucks discussion – to get an anchor, and in turn increased circulation, ask Trav.City manager to consider using BB for a percent of city employees pay, opt in, opt out.  Ask Doug Luciani at the Chamber if they would consider a percent of BB from members to pay dues.  Consider making a product or service available ONLY with BB.
Meeting schedules……..

Notes on the notes:
I took editorial license to praise those who I felt deserved notice, and to add in remarks I had heard during prep to the meeting from the same speaker.  Apologies to comments left out due to incomplete note taking. It is not too late to correct my notes, let me know.

Post Script
I wish we had had an extra 30 minutes during the workshop to get into the heart of the matter, but I was pleased at the breadth and depth of everyone’s interest.  At this point I feel a responsibility to proceed deliberately – to not create what already exists in the form of a new group.  Patty O’Donnell at NWMiCOG has shown the lead here, and is meeting to discuss avoiding duplication of efforts by the varied groups NOW in operation on Nov. 16th 10:00 at her office.  Please contact her if interested.  The Chamber has an obvious advantage as an existing, funded organizer of local business, and is a changed place in recent years.  Bay Bucks dovetails perfectly with any efforts of a locally owned business support group.  At a minimum these three groups need to hear each other and try to collaborate.
My first goal is to pursue these discussions while investigating a locally owned business coupon book, modeled after the one in Grand Rapids.  Talk is swell, action is even better.  I promise I won’t start a new group just to do a coupon book.
Thank you for attending, listening and contributing.                                                     

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

First post on this new blog

As Local As Possible is a project to remind us of the immense power our purchasing and investing decisions have on job creation and in turn a healthy sustainable local economy.  Odom RE-USE Co. has been sponsoring a one page web site, and conducted a workshop at Great Lakes Bioneers conference on Oct 16th, 2010 on the topic.  We hope to gather and share ideas and concerns, and relay information as to developments in the Traverse City five county area as they occur.  A follow up to the workshop is certainly in order, I am in the process of connecting with the most interested parties - Bay Bucks, MLUI, The Chamber, Goldeneye Asset Management and The Council of Governments.

The workshop notes are in two separate postings immediately below, but are intended as one post.

These were additional comments made by attendees that missed the email to everyone, and may just be a phrase or a though.  The copy of the email summary follows in post #2:

    Connect Environmental issues w/local issues, w/housing, transportation, energy
    Being inspirational, intentional
    Price difference local vs. non local being a roadblock, not doing the math on what value truly is.
    Film production in our area
    A general discomfort with discussing money

A couple links to check out: