Friday, May 11, 2012

ALAP May Meeting Recap

May ALAP Meeting Recap

We are an informal group of Northern Michigan citizens seeking to have more local impact and connectedness with our money.  We gather once a month for a potluck and to meet local entrepreneurs and learn about their projects.  During our meetings, we also share ideas for how we might keep more of our money locally and invested for triple-bottom-line returns (financial, social, and environmental). This is an experiment of sorts with exciting offshoot possibilities, including the spawning of a more formal local investing club.  For now, though, those interested in pursuing local investments with other group members or presenting entrepreneurs may do so independently of this ALAP group.  Our meetings are open to any individual, although we request that you RSVP so that we can assure sufficient meeting space. We blog our progress @

May 10 was the date for another fine ALAP gathering @ MLUI.  The potluck was top notch and the discussion engaging.  We heard two brief updates from Paul Murray (LifeHouse project) and Bruce Odom (Odom-Reuse) and then spent forty-five minutes with local agripreneur Nic Welty of 9 Bean Rows. 

Nic spoke to us about a project he is working on to better connect small Leelanau county farmers with institutional buyers like restaurants.  He is developing a software app that can run on smart phones and PCs and streamline communication, commerce, and logistics between farmers and direct wholesale purchasers of any size.  Nic hopes that by enabling system efficiencies he can reduce waste, improve farmer recordkeeping and improve traceability and local food safety.  He envisions a one-year trial for the app and expects to allocate funds raised for the project to initial software development, farmer incentives, and technical support.  Several group members expressed initial interest in following up with Nic and will make arrangements for a subsequent meeting.

ALAP will meet next  on June 14 (6pm @ MLUI) for a potluck and a full session devoted to group business including strategizing on outreach to both entrepreneurs and potential new group members and rotation of administrative duties.  In the meantime, all ALAPers are encouraged to help identify and reach out to triple-bottom-line minded entrepreneurs who might benefit from speaking with our group.  

Looking forward to keeping the momentum rolling and wish you all a fine Northern Michigan weekend!


Sunday, May 6, 2012


Hello As Local As Possible!

This is just a reminder that our next ALAP investment group meeting is Thursday, May 10 at MLUI headquarters (148 E Front St, Suite 301).   We will try a slightly different format this month.  Our potluck/social time will begin as usual at 6pm.  From 6:30, there will be up to three, 10-minute slots for those who would like to make a mini-pitch of a project to the group.  At 7pm, our featured entrepreneur, Nic Welty of the artisan farm and bakery 9 Bean Rows (, will have the floor for forty minutes to discuss a project in the works that involves farm-direct ordering via mobile devices and the internet.  We will break @ 7:45 to clean up the potluck and reconvene at 8pm to discuss amongst ourselves the night’s speakers and group business.

Nic is one of the rising stars of the local good-food movement, so please spread the word.  We encourage RSVPs (reply to this email is fine) so that we can make sure we have sufficient space.  I look forward to seeing you all Thursday!
