Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bioneers update

A workshop held at Great Lakes Bioneers summarized the accomplishments of our group for the past year.  We also outlined how other investing platforms now available work, in particular small club type groups like "No Small Potatoes" of Maine and "LION", a project of L2020 of Washington state.

The business directory is a great future project, but for now it is of interest to get rolling with bringing our money closer to home.

We are ready to connect investors that have a small amount of money to lend, any amount, with businesses needing  from $1,000 up to $5,000.  We do not intend to provide any investment recommendations or advice of any type to prospective investors - we just want to introduce people.

No investing is planned on during this meeting, just discussion and hearing business plans and ideas. You could certainly connect with a business you meet afterwards on you own.

We intend to work out details of how our networking group operates, and wether we all feel a need to have a legal entity immediately or not. We could, as suggested at the workshop, just be a group of people that meet - a club. Eventually it is likely we will form either an LLC, or a version of LLC with Co-op like features.

Opportunity will be available for a few businesses to describe their projects. Please contact  if you would like to do this so we are not overwhelmed.

Next meeting is at home of Bruce and Cathy Odom 3838 Manchester, English Woods Sub-division:
     Thursday Nov 17th
      Potluck 6:00
      Meeting 7:00 - 8:30 
                        Directions from Downtown Traverse City :

                        East on US 31 to Holiday Hills Rd. (East Bay township)
                         right on Holiday 1/2 mile to Five Mile Rd.
                         right on Five Mile Rd., approx. 2.5 miles to Prouty Rd.(hanging
                          street light over intersection)
                         left on Prouty 1 mile to English Woods
                         left on English Woods 1 block to Manchester
                         left on Manchester 5th house, on the left.
                                             call 922-9952 for directions