Wednesday, November 16, 2011

ALAP Meets Tomorrow (11/17)!

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow 11/17 for the restart of As Local As Possible

Time:  Potluck from 6pm, Meeting 7-8:30 pm
Place: The Odom Residence (Bruce and Cathy), 3838 Manchester (English Woods Sub-division)
Directions from Downtown Traverse City :

East on US 31 to Holiday Hills Rd. (East Bay township)
right on Holiday 1/2 mile to Five Mile Rd.
right on Five Mile Rd., approx. 2.5 miles to Prouty Rd.(hanging
street light over intersection)
left on Prouty 1 mile to English Woods
left on English Woods 1 block to Manchester
left on Manchester 5th house, on the left.

Questions:  Bruce Odom @ 231-922-9952, Zach Liggett @ 231-649-4511

Meeting Agenda:

6-7:00 Chow time/social time
7-7:10 Quick around the room intros
7:10-7:30  Intro to the general concept of the ALAP money group

Draft Intro Statement:  We are an informal group of Northern Michigan citizens seeking to have more local impact and connectedness with our money.  We gather once a month for a potluck and to meet local entrepreneurs and learn about their projects.  During our meetings, we also share ideas for how we might keep more of our money locally and invested for triple-bottom-line returns (financial, social, and environmental). This is an experiment of sorts with exciting offshoot possibilities, including the spawning of a more formal local investing club.  For now, though, those interested in pursuing local investments with other group members or presenting entrepreneurs may do so independently of this ALAP group.  Our meetings are open to any individual, although we request that you RSVP so that we can assure sufficient meeting space.

7:30-7:45  Discuss types of investment projects interested in (for example, organic ag/food, alt energy, education, generally anything local, health care,etc)

7:45-  Discuss frequency/meeting space/communication/ground rules/etc

Some questions to consider for the meeting:

1)      What types of projects are you interested in investing in or learning more about?
2)       Do you know of a venue that could accommodate a group of this sort going forward (preferably food and drink-friendly)?
3)      What type of ground rules do you believe would be important to a group like this?
4)       Here is a possible structure for future meetings.  What do you think?

Future Meeting Structure:

6-6:30 Potluck/social time
6:30-6:45 Quick introductions of new faces
6:45-7:15 Group sharing time of various ALAP topics (events, possible guest speakers, etc)
7:15-8:00 Invited entrepreneur presentation/Q&A time

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