Monday, April 9, 2012

ALAP Meets This Thursday, April 12 @ MLUI

Hello ALAPers,

This is just a reminder that our regular ALAP potluck is scheduled for this Thursday, April 12 from 6-9pm at MLUI HQ (148 E Front St). 

This month, we have a slightly different format in mind as we attempt to catch up with some group business reflection/discussion time.  We will begin at 6pm sharp with a “working potluck” rather than our normal informal networking time.  During this first hour, we will discuss group business including membership, virtual participation options (recording, live-streaming, etc), meeting format, speaker sourcing, and local alternative investment education.  So please bring your ideas!  Should we have any folks interested in making a 5-minute speed-pitch on an entrepreneurial project they are working on, we will allot time for those at the end of the first hour as well.

From 7-8pm we will hear from the local natural cleaning product extraordinaires of Selestial Soap (  I learned a few days ago that Selestial is undergoing some exciting new structural changes which we will get to hear about first-hand.  A new investor/CEO, Stephen Ezell of EHA Ventures, LLC (, has joined Ruth and the Selestial team and will share with us his top-down overview of the company and the vision he has to lead it to the next level.  Stephen has also agreed to spend a portion of his presentation introducing his venture capital firm and how he approaches the analysis of opportunities like Selestial.

In our third hour we will regroup and discuss the Stephen’s presentation and spend remaining time revisiting topics raised during the working potluck. 

I look forward to seeing you all this Thursday.  We have much to discuss and much to learn from each other!

Here’s to a great start to the week!


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